Contact Us
About Viva Latina Tours» Created in 1990, Viva Latina Tours has become since a reliable incoming agency for numerous tour operators in many
Our priorities have always been focused on a wise choice of our employees as well as on the experience of our providers, in order to ensure a fast and precise communication with our clients, and reliable services all over the territory.
This dynamic and polyglot team (English, Spanish, French and Portuguese), made up of about 15 permanent members, is able to design any kind of tourist and/or professional stay in Chile.
Our offices are located in Providencia district in Santiago.
Office in Santiago, Chile.
Av. Holanda 099 of. 201, Providencia.
Santiago de Chile.
+562 3262 6153 – +562 3262 6066
+562 2952 1678 – +562 2759 4898
WhatsApp:+569 9917 7117 (For emergency use only.)