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The North – Vivalatina Tours Chile
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San Pedro de Atacama Church

The North

The northern climate is of the desert type (the Atacama Desert is considered one of the driest in the world), more or less dry depending on the latitude and with significant temperature variations between day and night. Mineral wealth (copper, lithium, etc.) is abundant there and it is also in the north that we find the greatest number of vestiges of pre-Columbian civilizations.

The North is also the privileged zone for astronomy, there are many observatories and researchers from all over the world to observe the sky and its stars.

The main cities in the north of the country are: Arica, Iquique, Calama, Antofagasta, Copiapó and La Serena.

Tourist interests:
National parks in the altiplano, beaches of Arica and Iquique, Atacama Salt Lake, etroglyphs, pukarás (pre-Columbian fortresses), geothermal activity, astronomical bservatories, geology, fauna and flora.

Northern Chile

Arica is a port city known for its surfing beaches. Near the…
Iquique (from Aymara: Iki Iki, meaning "place of dreams" or "place of…
San Pedro and its cultural heritage can be traced back to around…
San Pedro and its cultural heritage can be traced back to around…
San Pedro and its cultural heritage can be traced back to around…
San Pedro and its cultural heritage can be traced back to around…

Video of the Atacama Desert and Northern Chile.

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