(56) 23 262 6153 - 23 262 6066 - 22 952 1678

Monday - Friday from 8:00 hrs. at 18:00 hrs.

Fjords of Tierra del Fuego – Vivalatina Tours Chile
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Fjords of Tierra del Fuego

Vivalatina Tours Chile / Fjords of Tierra del Fuego

Patagonia – Torres del Paine National Park – Glaciers - 4 days / 3 nights

Very complete circuit in private service.

Our team will take you to the foot of the glaciers that flow into the sea and into the famous Torres del Paine National Park.

Hotels with breakfasts, private land serviceswith a bilingual guide and various entries are included in this formula.

Requesting rates to the following email:  chile@vivalatinatours.com