(56) 23 262 6153 - 23 262 6066 - 22 952 1678

Monday - Friday from 8:00 hrs. at 18:00 hrs.

Private Tours – Iquique – Vivalatina Tours Chile
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Private Tours – Iquique

Vivalatina Tours Chile / Private Tours – Iquique

Private Tours – Iquique - 3 days / 2 nights

Iquique (from Aymara: Iki Iki, meaning «place of dreams» or «place of rest») is a port city and commune located in the northern region of Chile, serving as the capital of the homonymous province and the Tarapacá Region.

As the northernmost port of Chile and also a duty-free zone, the city of Iquique is not lacking in interest.

The colonial-style city center is a marvel with its Plaza de Armas, opera house, and Georgian-style Baquedano Street.

As always, we alternate between history and nature on this tour, including a visit to the magnificent Salar de Huasco, still relatively unknown to the general public.

Hotels with breakfast, private land services with a bilingual guide, a picnic at the Salar, and various entrance fees are included in this package.

Requesting rates to the following email:  chile@vivalatinatours.com